Healthy(ish) Slutty Brownies

Slutty brownies for the win!

With just a hint of health points!

Since we just celebrated the sluttiest holiday of the year, I thought I'd keep the spirit alive (in a PG way) by sharing everyone's favorite slutty dessert...


At least once a year I let my three favorite sweets mingle and form the most delicious combination of chocolate heaven. For the rookies out there, slutty brownies are a mash-up of your favorite cookie, a layer of Oreo cookies, all hidden under a layer of brownies.Don't be afraid to personalize these to your taste-bud preference; I've used snicker doodle, chocolate chip, and peanut butter cookies for the base--none of which disappoint! 

This time I thought I'd try to health them up a bit to take away some of the butter-induced guilt while still getting to indulge a bit! 

Now, until someone comes up with a low-carb, low-fat, protein oreo made out of vegetables...these aren't going to be completely healthy. But we can eliminate tons and tons of sugar by substituting out the other two ingredients. 

Progress not perfection, people! could sub out the Oreos for a Cookies& Cream Protein bar...

Okay, Okay, the process... 

The good news is, I've basically already taught you guys how to make these

All you need to do is...

1. Mix up a batch of my chocolate-chip protein cookies, and line the bottom of a glass baking dish with the cookie dough

2. Top the cookie dough with a layer of Oreo cookies. Go crazy guys, use the cupcake-filled ones, the cinnamon bun ones, or make me proud and crumble up a cookies&cream Quest Bar and sprinkle it on top of your cookie dough layer!

3. Mix up a batch of my Zucchini Brownies (to make them extra fluffy for this recipe I doubled the amount of baking soda and blended in 1/2 cup of oat flour)

4. Stick them in the oven for 30 minutes on 375 degrees and enjoy!

Thanks for reading, I hope you found this helpful!


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