Never Miss a Monday: Complete Arm Resistance Band Office Workout
Secretly lunging around the office, working from your treadmill work station, or taking the stairs a few more times than needed are all amazing ways to get in an extra leg workout throughout the day.
But what about our arms?! After an intense leg day, it's awesome to get your blood flow directed into other parts of your body, which is why I spent my break on Friday coming up with some super simple and effective resistance band arm workouts!
These are just a couple of ways that you can use your resistance bands to work your shoulders, biceps, and triceps from the comfort of your office!
Exercise#1: Alternating Hammer curls
To start off the movement, place the resistance bands around both wrists, clench your hands into a fist and set the angle of your elbows to 90 degrees. (Your forearms should be parallel to the floor, and your biceps should be squeeeezed into your sides)
Start by keeping one arm in the starting position while bringing the opposite fist up into your shoulder and focus on tightening your bicep. Slowly lower your fist back to the original 90 degree angle and repeat with your other arm. The resistance from the band will work as a replacement for your weights!
Pro Tip: The tighter you clench your fists, the better your workout will be!
Exercise #2: Alternating Tricep Extension
Start with your elbows at the same 90 decree angle as before, except this time you're going to raise your arms up until your thumbs are touching your forehead. Keep your elbows tucked in so that they're right in front of your face; you don't want them to touch each other but you also don't want them flaring out to the sides either.
Start by extending one arm straight out and flexing your tricep while keeping the opposite arm in the starting position. Return your arm back so that your elbows are back to the 90 degree angle and your thumbs are by your forehead and then repeat with the other arm.
You really want to make sure to keep your arms up high and your elbows tucked in-- it's easy to let them start to fall as you continue with the exercise but keep checking to make sure that your elbows stay in place.
Exercise #3: Alternating Lateral Pulls
Shoulder time; Everyone knows bikini girls love a good shoulder workout, and this one is a favorite of mine!
Get into position for this one by rolling your shoulders back and sticking your chest out so that your posture is perfect. Place both hands right in front of you (keeping some tension in the band). You can either place your thumbs into the band like I did in the picture, or place the band around both wrists. Keep one hand in place in front of your body and with the opposite arm, pull the band out straight to your side. Return your arm back to the starting position and repeat with the other side.
It's important to keep your arm straight so that you're pulling with your shoulders, not your arm muscles!
Thanks for Reading!
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