Blogmas Day 5\\ You won't believe what these are made of!
Welcome to Blogmas Day 5! Today I wanted to share a couple of my favorite healthy holiday recipes! I'm a sucker for sweets but I can't bring myself to dig into the massive amounts of sugar-filled candies that are out there. Have any of you ever looked into the amount of sugar/fat/ickyness that are in those cute little Christmas-tree shaped reece's or snickers?! It's crazy.
If that's your thing, then by all means...Enjoy yourself. I'm just here to give you a healthier alternative in case you're like me and want to enjoy chocolate goodies without all the refined sugar and more whole ingredients.
I have a ton of Holiday cookie recipes, but these chocolate truffles are by far one of my favorites! They're super rich and you'll never guess what their main ingredient is...
The secret main ingredients for these fudgey truffles is black beans! Did you guess right? I swear...if you have a can of black beans, sweetener, and some unsweetened cocoa powder then you have chocolate! They're great as brownies, truffles, fudge, cookies, it's amazing what you can do with these babies! Just trust me on this and follow the recipe, I promise you won't be disappointed!
If I haven't scared you away yet and you want to give these a try for yourself then here ya go!
1 can black beans
2 tablespoons coconut oil
1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
2 tablespoons honey
1/3 cup splenda or stevia
For the coating:
Stevia-sweetened chocolate chips
coconut oil (to make it melt more smoothly)
Toppings (optional, I forgot to add mine)
crushed candy canes
coconut flakes
These are so easy to make; just add all of the ingredients for the truffles together in a food processor or a blender and blend until really smooth. You don't want there to be any chunks in there--it would be a huge giveaway that you're eating beans not chocolate if you were to bite into a chunk of black beans! If your mixture is a little runny then you can always add some protein powder, more splenda, or more cocoa powder until it is hard.
Refrigerate the mixture for 30 minutes and then start to melt the chocolate chips. Do this by adding 2 cups of chocolate chips with 1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil and microwaving for about two minutes in 20 second increments and stirring frequently.
Take your dough mixture out of the refrigerator and roll into little balls-- dip them into the chocolate mixture and set on wax paper to dry. Refrigerate overnight to let them set!
I tested these out on my whole family who are not clean eaters and also on my boyfriend (who hates black beans) and they were a complete success! They taste exactly like chocolate covered fudge!
Try out the recipe and let me know what you think! Happy Blogmas everyone!
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