Never Miss A Monday: No Excuses Office Workout (Machine Edition)

So you went out this weekend, had a couple drinks, indulged in some not-so-healthy treats, and maybe spent your Sunday with a hangover instead of in the gym. If this sounds familiar, I have some great news for you; It's gonna be okay! It was a Holiday weekend and those have a tendency to be less than perfect. If you slipped up a little bit this weekend, accept it, move on, and make this week count. There's no point crying over a screwed up diet, studies actually show that stressing over it will increase your Cortisol levels and cause your bodies to hold on to that excess fat. So I mean it, don't stress and make an effort to do your absolute best this week. 

Now lets talk about the elephant in the room, my super exciting new office toy... A couple of weeks ago I was thrilled when my company installed a standing desk for me! My back tends to be fussy if I sit for too long and I wasn't down to develop the dreaded pancake booty either! Out of curiosity, I decided to look up about how many more calories per hour I'd burn by standing throughout the day vs sitting and it turns out that the average person burns about 50 more calories per hour per day by standing instead of sitting. That adds up to about  2000 more calories burned per week, just by standing. Don't get me wrong, I'm not letting this change anything about my current workout or eating routine, but it's kinda cool to know! 

Ever since I got the new desk I started thinking that since I'm standing here I might as well be moving, right? So I started looking on Craigslist, Ebay and OfferUp to see if I could dig up a cheap stepper that would slide nicely under my desk. I was surprised to find that you can get these babies used for $20. By complete coincidence I was walking past my local Play It Again Sports and found this mini elliptical for only $19! Obviously, I scooped it up right away and I'm currently using it for my office workout! Again, I'm not getting rid of my standing date with the StairMaster after work but that's not gonna stop this fit chick from staying active all day long! So far I'm loving my baby stepper and for those of you with hectic schedules, kids to take to soccer practice, families to cook dinner for, or just limited time in general...this is the best gift you can get for yourself! 
Just promise yourself that for at least 10-15 minutes every hour you'll get on it, crank the resistance up, and get your blood flowing! That's about an extra two hours of low-moderate intensity cardio that you are giving yourself every day to create a healthier you! 

Hope you found this helpful!

Xo, Kelsey


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