Meal Prep Ideas:: Healthy Summer Salad!

It's summer, and it has been HOT lately! I don't know about you, but when it's hot outside, the last thing I want to do is add to the heat by munching on hot meals. During this time of year, I am much more likely to opt for some cool refreshing treats, like salads!

I am a big salad lover because they are so easy to customize and they allow you to eat a lot of volume for as many or as few calories as you'd like! This salad here is my favorite combination of baby shrimp (shrimp are super low in fat and have no carbs, so they're perfect for dieting), spinach (folic acid for the win!), two grape tomatoes for flavor, and a lemon wedge to use as the dressing! 

I decided to keep my salads very basic since this is one of my lower carb/fat meals, but you definitely don't have to! This salad would be amazing with the addition of some healthy fats, such as, a hard boiled egg, some avocado slices, or almond slivers. If you wanted to add in some carbs to the meal, you could crumble up a rice cake as "croutons" or add in some quinoa. Either way, this meal can be varied to fit your macros and your taste preferences and it is an amazingly refreshing summer treat! 

Since I am a meal prepper, I made five of these babies over the weekend to eat as my meal #2 throughout the week. For me, this eliminates guesswork and ensures that no matter what, I have my meals prepped and ready so there is no excuse to eat naughty foods or stray from my program. 

Hope this helps! Let me know what salad creations you come up with :) 

Xo, Kels

PS: lets be friends on ig: fittkelseyy


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