Gym Bunny Things:: Dugout Plyo Workout
I love adding in plyos to get my legs conditioned, and they can be such an amazing way to get your fitness on anywhere, any time! Yesterday was one of those days where I just did not have any desire to go back to the gym to finish up my workout after I left the office. I was actually considering just going home to rest and pushing my workout back until later in the day *always a bad idea!* Instead, I decided to walk over to the high school, put some music on, and hop around all over the baseball field. It was such a refreshing change of scenery and turned out to be an awesome sweat sesh Sometimes, all we need is a little bit of variety with out workouts or a different location to find that extra motivation to actually enjoy our workouts!
Here is a quick clip of some of the exercises I did & below that is the full workout! Enjoy loves!
*Repeat each round 2-4 times, then do the minute jump rope as an active rest before moving on to the next round. Also, If you don't have a jump rope...either pretend like you do or just jog in place!
Round 1: 30 seconds Bench Jumps X 30 seconds Ice Skaters
---------- 1 minute Jump Rope ----------
Round 2: 30 Seconds Leap Frog Jumps X 30 seconds Ice Skaters
---------- 1 minute Jump Rope ----------
Round 3: 30 seconds Jump Lunges X 30 seconds High Knees
---------- 1 minute Jump Rope ----------
Round 4: 30 seconds Explosive Step-Up's (left leg) X 30 seconds (right leg)
---------- 1 minute Jump Rope ----------
Round 5: 30 seconds Lateral Explosive step up's (left leg) X 30 seconds (right leg)
---------- 1 minute Jump Rope ----------
* If you're up for an extra challenge, I ended this circuit with 10 minutes of all out sprints*
(10-20 second sprint all out, rest for the remainder of the minute)
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