Diving off of Your Diet

Sticking to, or veering from a diet is a subject that is very near and dear to my heart lately. Let's be honest; dieting can be HARD. Whether it's IIFYM with a low calorie allowance or an incredibly strict clean eating plan during a contest prep; no one knows how emotional and rough it can be when you're on a diet better than me. Don't get me wrong, sticking to a perfect nutrition plan is without a doubt the most rewarding feeling and with a little creativity, eating clean can be just as tasty as indulging in some of those guilty treats we all love. With that being said, there still comes a time though when, as human beings, we want more than our macro allowance or our meal plan allows for. Some of us are able to stick to our guns through the cravings, and sometimes we simply don't. This is what I wanna talk to you about...If you go off your diet and indulge a little (or a lot) own up to it!

How many of us have heard the phrase: "I fell off my diet..."?

Every time I hear this, I want to reply "No you didn't; you JUMPED off your diet". Saying things like "I fell off" takes away the accountability of the choice you made. I'm not saying we should all be perfect dieting robots, but the more we admit that we made a clear choice, the more we start to second guess ourselves before the next time we think of taking that flying leap off the dieting bandwagon.

Next time you go off your diet, empower yourself by admitting that you made a clearcut choice that whatever it was that you chose was more important to you than your fitness goals in that moment. It may be hard and a little scary, but it's accountability! And trust me, it makes you realize how insignificant those little treats really are.

Thanks for reading!




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